

HVAC System (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) Inspection: Have your heating system inspected by a

Managing Owners Corporation fees can sometimes be a challenge, especially when faced with quarterly or

In today’s rapidly evolving real estate landscape, Owners Corporation management is witnessing a transformation fuelled

Macquarie bank is changing their DEFT payment options. Individuals are instructed to refer to their DEFT

Buildings with defects received the most challenging premium increases and imposed policy conditions in Q1

As a strata property owner, safeguarding your investment is paramount. Understanding the common risks and

As OC managers, we guide our Owners Corporations and their Committees to ensure the optimal maintenance and

Under section 223 of the Building Regulations 2018, the owner of a building must prepare

If our doors are lot property, can the owners corporation force owners to change to

The safety and security of our community are of utmost importance to us. With a

Prevention is better than cure when it comes to maintaining your strata property.  In the

Owners Corporation Managers are often asked to advise on OC rules and to facilitate the

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