

Unless given consent by the Owners Corporation, a Lot owner must not authorise a representative

Separate provisions relating to fees, maintenance fees, obligations of initial owner, appointment of a Manager

Occupiers and guests are jointly and severally liable for breaches in the Rules, unless the

External Alterations and Other Works Affecting Lot Owners:An Owners Corporation may make rules in respect

The Annual General Meeting Report must include: ​Find out more at https://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/as-made/acts/owners-corporations-and-other-acts-amendment-act-2021 

Procurement Duties and Responsibilities: Further, the Manager must, upon request, provide the Owners Corporation’s financial

A Contract of Appointment must not include any of the following terms: If the Contract

A person is not eligible to be registered as a Manager if they have been

>> Download Earthquake Claim Submission Form  How to lodge a Claim Emergency AssistanceIf you require emergency assistance please

To help keep you sane and smiling during this period, the Whitbread team have come

Parking issues are part and parcel of strata living and management challenges.  These challenges may

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