

Question: Can an Owners Corporation make a Fixed Bank Deposit for investment for 6 months,

Question: For a small 4 unit strata scheme, are we legislated to hold AGMs or

The failure to get more trees into the ground poses a major shortfall for the

Question: The owner’s corp chairman has contacted us stating he is ‘conducting inspections’ of lot

Question: The property is commercial. There are 4 units in the building. I own 1

Great Podcast from Your Strata Property with Amanda Farmer: Louisa Herbert, managing director of MBCM

Question: A landlord has suffered loss of rent due to repairs to common property. Does

1 Health, Safety and Security 1.1 Health, safety and security of lot owners, occupiers of

HIA chief economist Tim Reardon said record low interest rates, coupled with home buyers’ desire

Homeowners planning to renovate may have to wait until next year to get their projects

“International trade data released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that global supply

Owners of rental strata properties need to ensure they take out insurance to cover landlord’s

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